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Complete prolapse requires surgery. Different surgical techniques are used, but all involve anchoring the rectum to other parts of the body, and using plastic mesh to reinforce and support the rectum. In patients too old, or ill, to tolerate surgery, a wire or plastic loop can be inserted to...
An obsolete term for Henoch-Schönlein purpura. nonthrombocytopenic purpuraAllergic purpura. posttransfusion purpura Abbreviation: PTP An abnormal immune-mediated fall in the number of circulating platelets, caused by a recipient's reaction to foreign antigens on platelets received during a transfusion...
医学名词解释(Medical term interpretation).doc,医学名词解释(Medical term interpretation) The renal sinus The renal portal has a larger cavity in the kidney, known as the renal sinus renal sinus, sinus renalis, the main branch of the renal artery in th
TR 1470nm results are long-term and continue to improve for several months following the procedure, as additional collagen builds in the deep layers of the skin. The skin tightening created by TR 1470nm is linked to the very specific attraction of the laser...
Medical schools should instill these qualities into students to make them true physicians.Text A Task 1/ Medical terminology Match each definition with its corresponding English term and Chinese equivalent.EnglishChinese Definition1a dise 47、ase, a disorder, or an ailment2the field or practice of ...
Looking for online definition of relieve (oneself) in the Medical Dictionary? relieve (oneself) explanation free. What is relieve (oneself)? Meaning of relieve (oneself) medical term. What does relieve (oneself) mean?
Used as monotherapy or in combination, these devices are showing promise as a method to clear acne in a convenient, non-invasive manner, though there remains a clear need for long-term data and randomized, blinded studies. Chow and Barnsley (2005) examined the effectiveness of low-level laser...
It is associated with significant post-operative pain and usually requires 2–4 weeks for recovery. However, there is greater long term benefit in those with grade 3 hemorrhoids as compared to rubber band ligation.It is the recommended treatment in those with a thrombosed external hemorrhoid if ...
(1) An obsolete, nonspecific term for any agent that inhibits or counteracts the action of a hormone. (2) Chalone. Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved. antihormone Endocrinology A natural or synthetic analogue of a hormone–eg, FSH, LH, which binds to ...