There is also a high incidence of urinary tract abnormalities in hemophiliacs, though the long-term consequences of these abnormalities are unknown. Furthermore, it must be remembered that urinary tract disorders unrelated to hemorrhage, such as nephrolithiasis, tumors, and nephritis, can occur in ...
An obsolete term for anemia resulting from abnormal degeneration or destruction, or a deficiency in the formation of red blood cells. [hemo- + G.phthisis,a wasting away] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link...
Medicalterm医学术语Whatarethesymptomsofanaemia?贫血的症状是 什么? Youcanpeeyouselfnow?=== Whatcausesperniciousanaemia?恶性贫血的原 Youcanpeenow?你现在可以 因? 小便了吗?Canbefoundinfreshfruit?你可以找到新鲜的水果 Canyourepeatitplease?你能在吗? 重复...
An MRI term for the thickness of an imaging slice. Because slice profiles are not sharply edged, the distance between the points at half the sensitivity of the maximum (full width at half maximum) is used to determine thickness. Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights...
how to master medical term rapidly规lmedical term :按构词规则构成的:按构词规则构成的词占词占80;另一部分是人名,药名;另一部分是人名,药名等构成的词等构成的词,占占20;先介绍几个有关词l词根是一个单词的核心词根是一个单词的核心l词缀包括前缀和后缀(词缀包括前缀和后缀(prefix and suffix)l词素(词素...
What are the three parts that make up a medical term? 1. Prefix2. Root3. Suffix What is a prefix? beginning of a word(used to describe number/amount, size, location, color)Ex. anti-(bacterial) what is a Root middle of the wordEx: part of the body Suffix the ending of a wordEx...
Long-term complications HemophilicarthropathyArthropathyOsteoarthritis: Components of blood are caustic to the synovium. Causes progressive joint destruction, loss ofrange of motionRange of motionThe distance and direction to which a bone joint can be extended. Range of motion is a function of the cond...
医学术语学(medicalterminology).ppt,医学英语术语速记 how to master medical term rapidly 认识世界的基本方法:3“w”原则 what why how what thrombocyto’penia lympho’cytic leu’kemia 医学英语术语(medical term) : 上述这些单词来源于希腊或拉丁词根,有特定的
Lesson-1 Prefixes:size and amount Macro- large/visible to the naked eye Micro- small/not visible to the naked eye Hyper- high/above normal/elevated Hypo- low/below normal/decreased Eu-/Normo- normal Pan-/Omni- all A-/An- absent/lacking ...
Some hematological disorders that may qualify for long-term disability benefits include: Aplastic Anemia with Bone Marrow or Stem Cell Transplantation Chronic Anemia Chronic Granulocytopenia Sickle Cell Disease Chronic Thrombocytopenia Coagulation Defects and Hemophilia Hereditary Telangiectasia Hemochromatosis Liver...