Alcantara Montero and Sanchez Carnerero (2016) stated that FSD is a broad term used to describe 3 categories of disorders of a multi-factorial nature. Effective, but limited pharmacotherapies exist to address FSD. The FDA recently approved the first agent for treatment of hypoactive sexual desir...
She has a rich snowfall of hair, the caramel skin that would have seen her stolen in childhood as a ‘half-breed’, and an upright deportment that speaks of grace and authority. She looks just like my hero ladies, the Strong Women of Galiwin’ku. She is in fact, very good-looking, ...
The medical term for this most common of birthmarks is capillary nevus simplex (commonly called stork bites). These are vascular malformations that occur on the back of the head and neck. They generally are unchanged throughout life, do not require treatment, and do not portend any significant...
A generic term for any lymphoproliferation—whether primary or not—that is identified in the mediastinum. Common Hodgkin lymphoma, primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma, precursor T lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia. Less common MALT, ALCL, histiocytic tumours, AML (acute myeloid leukaemia). ...
When designing a website because you sell medical supplies, are a medical service provider, or want to provide information on medical conditions, you’re always going to have certain characteristics that you need to meet. For example, the design will always need to make is easy for you to ...
2.In neurology, vacuolation of cortical grey matter seen in some encephalopathies. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 spon·gi·o·sis (spŏn'jē-ō'sis) Inflammatory intercellular edema of the epidermis. Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 ...
A general term indicating a colour vision deficiency, which is either of the deutan (green colour vision defect) or of the protan (red colour vision defect) type. These defects are mostly her-editary and affect both eyes equally. Most cases are inherited in X-linked recessive manner. See ...
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