Used as monotherapy or in combination, these devices are showing promise as a method to clear acne in a convenient, non-invasive manner, though there remains a clear need for long-term data and randomized, blinded studies. Chow and Barnsley (2005) examined the effectiveness of low-level laser...
Looking for online definition of stick in the Medical Dictionary? stick explanation free. What is stick? Meaning of stick medical term. What does stick mean?
Looking for online definition of penetration in the Medical Dictionary? penetration explanation free. What is penetration? Meaning of penetration medical term. What does penetration mean?
It is a general term used to describe various evaluations for nystagmus. A saccade is a small rapid jerky movement of the eye as it jumps from fixation on one point to another (as in reading). Nystagmus is uncontrollable movements of the eyes that may be side to side (horizontal), up a...
Visual short-term memory binding deficits in Alzheimer's disease: a reply to Parra's commentary We present a disease progression model with single vertex resolution that we apply to cortical thickness data. Our model works by clustering together verti... Y Liang,Y Pertzov,JM Nicholas,... - ...
A long-term cost-effectiveness analysis of cardiac resynchronisation therapy with or without defibrillator based on health claims data In Germany, CRT devices with defibrillator capability (CRT-D) have become the predominant treatment strategy for patients with heart failure and cardiac dyssynchrony. ...
An important finding supported by previous publications [101] was that faculty development, which is crucial for IPE to be effective, was often neglected and under-resourced. The authors also emphasised the lack of broad consensus on measures of IPE as many instruments only measure short-term ...
obsolete eponymic term for a two-stage operation for bringing down an undescended testicle. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 Torek, Franz J.A., U.S. surgeon, 1861-1938. Keetley-Torek operation - Synonym(s): Torek operation Torek operation - a two-stage operation for bring...
Looking for online definition of Born in the Medical Dictionary? Born explanation free. What is Born? Meaning of Born medical term. What does Born mean?
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