The term "otomy" refers to a surgical procedure that involves cutting into a specific area of the body. This procedure is performed to gain access to a particular organ or tissue for various purposes such as removal, repair, or examination. It is different from "ectomy," which involves the...
MRI sections through the colon 3.Hepatomegaly is a term describing* inflammation of the liver enlargement of the liver an abnormally small liver a liver with an abnormal shape a liver located on the left rather than right side 4.Cholelithiasis is a term for* inflammation of the gallbladder ...
1.The act of fluctuating. 2.A wavelike motion felt on palpating a cavity with nonrigid walls, especially one containing fluid. Synonym(s):fluctuancy Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 fluc·tu·a·tion (flŭk'shū-ā'shŭn) ...
Which of the following is the root for the medical term respiratory?1. -priatory2. -atory3. spira-4. res-5. respir- 5. respir- The root of axillary is from the Latin word for:1. knee.2. bone.3. toe.4. armpit.5. skin. 4. armpit. Which of the following terms is spelled cor...
An average, healthy full-term baby at birth weighs 7.5 lb (3.4 kg), and the placenta and fluid together weigh another 3.5 lb. The remaining weight that a woman gains during pregnancy is mostly due to water retention and fat stores. Her breasts, for instance, gain about 2 lb. in weight...
14、) this is the central meaning of the term and is usually in the middle of the medical term. prefix前缀 (qian zhui)seen at the the beginning of the term it helps to identify the central meaning. suffix后缀 (hou zhui) always at the end of the term, the suffix modifies the central...
Cerebrospinal fluid, or CSF, is a clear, colorless liquid that plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and function of your central nervous system. It cushions the brain and spinal cord, provides nutrients and removes waste products.
Answer and Explanation:1 Neuritisis the medical term used to describe the inflammation of a nerve. Inflammation of a single nerve or the entire peripheral nervous system...
b.粘着词根 词缀:a.派生词缀---前缀和后缀(粘附形式) b.屈折词缀(-er,-ed,-ing) ;Important word parts:;For example, the term hematology is divided into three parts: hematology Root combining suffix (blood) vowel (study of) When you analyze a medical term, begin at the end of the word....
Our fluid management connectors are the ideal component for irrigating, cleaning, and surgery applications. No tools are needed and no assistance is required to apply our connectors to your existing equipment for optimum flow control. Our reliable mechanical connectors feature more precise, lower crack...