Twitter Google Share on Facebook trance state Alternative psychology An altered mental state in which the body is still or movements are jerky, the limbs are “heavy”, the eyelids flicker due to rapid eye movements, the eyeballs roll upwards (as occurs when one is asleep), the eyes tear,...
Rhythmic oscillation of the eyeballs, either pendular or jerky. [G.nystagmos,a nodding, fr.nystazō,to be sleepy, nod] Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 nystagmus Persistent, rapid, rhythmical, jerky or wobbling movement of the eyes, usually together. ...
An initial literature search was performed using free-text searches in PubMed and Google Scholar. Papers that included the search term Medical Image Registration were considered and the publishing conference or journal and citations checked to ensure the quality of the research. Later, another search...
While some feel Aamir is merely playing Agony Uncle for the sake of TRPs even as the channel rakes it in using his Bollywood stardom to grab eyeballs, others feel at least someone has made a start in a desirable direction. Aamir actually Poppy had established a fanbase of nearly 18,000 ...
Moreover, for nonlinear registration tasks, it is crucial to incorporate a smoothing penalty term into the loss function. This term encourages smoothness in the deformation field by promoting similarity in deformation quantities across adjacent positions. The most favored penalty term is the diffusion ...
2012). Besides the convolutional layer, the deliberately designed recurrent connection (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber 1997) can describe the long-term relationship among the time steps, which is appropriate for sequential-related tasks. Moreover, the self-attention embedded in the transformer architecture ...
of his little eye with some kind of special set of medical eyeball tweezers. Again, may I mention that while my son is and was a trooper, no one likes to hear "eyeball" and "tweezers" in the same sentence, especially when combined into one super scary term: "medical eyeball tweezers....
In the big kernel long-term module, the large convolution kernel expands the model perceptual field and extracts eye-movement features Full size image Head position vector self-encoder In medical diagnosis, accounting for head position is a crucial aspect as it describes the patient’s current ...
Rapid eye movement sleep. This occurs during about 20% of the sleeping time and features constant movement of the eyeballs, twitching of the muscles and erection of the penis in men. REM sleep is deep and is associated with dreaming. It is necessary for health. Collins Dictionary of Medicine...
Cephalothoracopagus janiceps refers to twins with fused head and thorax; the single fused head has two "hemifaces" (one hemiface from each twin) each looking in opposite directions. The term janiceps is derived from Janus, the two-faced Roman God. When the two faces are identical and sy...