(redirected fromfast-twitch fiber) Dictionary Thesaurus Encyclopedia FT Abbreviation for: fallopian tube Fallot’s tetralogy family therapy fat thickness (NHS) Foundation Trust, see there free testosterone free thyroxine full term full thickness
for signs of corneal infection, which frequently occurs, usually because of loss of the corneal reflex, which normally provides a warning when foreign material or other injurious agents enter the eye. Postoperative instructions must be given so that the patient can take necessary measures for the ...
Cogan's lid twitch signA twitch of the upper eyelid in an eye with ptosis when the patient is asked to look in the primary position following a downward look. The eyelid then returns to its ptosis position. This condition occurs in myasthenia gravis. ...
For example, the term "superior" means above another structure and (39)……….such, one would say the heart is superior (40)……….the stomach. 29 31 A that 32 A meaning 33 A one 34 A from 35 A consist 36 A too 37 A it 38 A mean 39 A so 40 A to B it B means B ...
Benefits of a High Fiber Diet. Dietary fiber is helpful in the treatment and prevention of uncomplicated constipation. Unlike stronglaxatives, it presents no problems when taken on a long-term basis.Metamucil, a medicinal fecal softener, is made from seed husks and is often prescribed for person...
I'm surprised I haven't eye-rolled myself into another dimension yet; First things first.. One officer, Roger Haigh, said he felt a slight movement when checking Gary's neck for a pulse, but couldn't be sure if it was a twitch or muscular movement, rather than a sign of a heartbe...
Check out the center below for more... What Are the Symptoms of Arachnoiditis? The Arachnoid membrane is a delicate layer that covers the brain and spinal cord. Arachnoiditis is a term for swelling of the... What Are the Symptoms of Dysautonomia? Dysautonomia is also called autonomic ...
Drug delivery raises to systems, designs, technologies, and systems for transporting a medical multiple in the body as needed to carefully achieve its desired relaxing result. But, the challenge of maintaining the functionality of grafted keys and preventing their mass loss in the long-term is yet...
An old term describing a spherical bacterium that divides in two planes and characteristically forms groups of four cells. [tetra- + G. kokkos, berry] tetracosactide, tetracosactin (tet′ra-ko-sak′tid, -tin) SYN: cosyntropin. tetracrotic (tet′ra-krot′ik) ...
The senior partner, who is more than 65 years old, is wiping down the keyboards, mice, and handles with disinfectant to cleanse fomites containing the coronavirus (fomite comes from the Latinfomesmeaning “tinder,” a term for something that can start an infection first used in 1546 by Girola...