The invention provides a medical device, kit, system, and method that may be used for viewing the ear during surgery on a subject. The invention may allow a surgeon to view the surgical site with a camera mounted on a probe and maintain patency of the ear canal, while keeping both hands...
The meaning of AUDITORY CANAL is either of two passages of the ear —called also acoustic meatus, auditory meatus.
ear·mold ˈi(ə)r-ˌmōld : a device of usually acrylic, vinyl, or silicone that fits within the outer ear, is connected by way of a tube to a hearing aid worn behind the ear, and serves especially to channel the amplified sound from the hearing aid to the ear canal ...
An infection of the ear canal (the outer ear) is sometimes referred to as swimmer's ear. The name comes from the fact that it most often occurs when the ear canal stays wet long enough for bacteria or other organisms to grow. Causes of Swimmer's Ear The skin lining the ear canal and...
(redirected fromSonata (term)) Dictionary Thesaurus Encyclopedia [so-nah´tah] trademark for a preparation ofzaleplon, used to treatinsomnia. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All...
Considered medically necessary when performed to improve hearing by directing sound in the ear canal, whether the ears are absent or deformed from trauma, surgery, disease, or congenital defect. Otoplasty to correct large or protruding ears is considered cosmetic when the surgery will not improve he...
medical treatments for middle ear cholesteatoma Matthias Schürmann1, Peter Goon1,2 and Holger Sudhoff1* Abstract Middle ear cholesteatoma (MEC), is a destructive, and locally invasive lesion in the middle ear driven by inflammation with an annual incidence of 10 per 100,000...
Ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (oVEMP) for the evaluation of vestibular function specifically related to the saccule/utricle; Olfactory event‐related potential for the evaluation of long-term COVID-19; Pre-operative SSEP of the bilateral tibial somatosensory pathways prior to scoliosis surg...
ALCOCK, Benjamin 1801 1860 Ireland, Irish, Gaeilge Anatomist, anatomy Alcock’s Canal [Pudendal canal] 1842 anatomy, pudendal canal, space, OBGYN BAIN, James 1934 Canada, Canadian anesthetist, anaesthetist, anesthesiologist, anaesthesiologist Bain circuit (1972) Equipment, ventilator, MAPLESON DRӒGE...
prosthetics devices and appliances: We will pay for external prosthetics, devices or appliances which is medical necessary and customary medical convention, and part of the treatment immediately following surgery for as long as is required or part of the recuperation process on a short-term basis. ...