Misleading term for anomalous or deficient color vision; complete color blindness is the absence of one of the primary cone pigments of the retina. See:protanopia,deuteranopia,tritanopia Synonym(s):colour blindness. Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 ...
Looking for online definition of total colour blindness in the Medical Dictionary? total colour blindness explanation free. What is total colour blindness? Meaning of total colour blindness medical term. What does total colour blindness mean?
colour blindness Sometimes this term is incorrectly used to cover all forms of colour vision deficiency, however mild or severe. See achromatopsia; defective colour vision; deuteranopia; monochromat; protanopia; tritanopia.congenital stationary night blindness Night blindness (nyctalopia) inherited as ...
Regarding colour discrimination against persons with albinism: CPD questionnaire Washington, July 12 ( ANI ): Prenatal and early childhood exposure to the chemical solvent tetrachloroethylene (PCE) found in drinking water may be associated with long-term visual impairments, particularly in the area of ...
thependular nystagmus. A pendular nystagmus usually occurs as a result of poor central vision (sensory deprivation nystagmus) as in bilateral chorioretinitis, total colour blindness, albinism, congenital cataract, corneal scarring, amblyopia (amblyopic nystagmus) or in coal miners after many years of ...
An inherited dysfunction of cone cells in some individuals, more common in males than females, can lead to the inability to distinguish between different colours, a condition known as COLOUR BLINDNESS. The position of the eyes at the front of the head provides BINOCULAR VISION, and movement of...
[Ar.al,the, +kohl,fine antimonial powder, the term being applied first to a fine powder, then to anything impalpable (spirit)] Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 alcohol A colourless volatile liquid obtained by fermenting sugars or starches with yeast and...
sudden color blindness impaired night vision impaired contrast sensitivity Optic neuritis is most commonly associated withmultiple sclerosis(MS). Other causes include viral or fungal infections, encephalomyelitis, autoimmune diseases, or pressure on the nerve from tumors or vascular diseases (i.e., tempor...
Oguchi's diseaseAn autosomal recessive, inherited night blindness occurring mainly in Japan. All other visual capabilities are usually unimpaired but the patient presents an abnormal golden brown fundus reflex in the light-adapted state, which becomes a normal colour with dark-adaptation (Mizuo phenome...
colour blindness colour vision -cone cone biopsy cone cell References in periodicals archive ? "Amazingly, these 'Goldilocks' cones of 'just right' angles exactly match the shapes of eroded clay resulting from our experiments and actual conical meteorites," Ristroph added. Scientists Uncover Mystery...