5. genetics A grouping of congenital anomalies found together more frequently than otherwise expected; the use of this term implies that the cause is unknown. [L. as-socio, pp. -sociatus, to join to; ad + socius, companion] Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © ...
The exact cause of esophageal cancer is unknown, although many investigators believe that chronic irritation of the esophagus is a major culprit. Most of the identified risk factors represent a form of chronic irritation. However, the wide variance in the distribution of esophageal cancer among diffe...
Whole cervix imaging of collagen, muscle, and cellularity in term and preterm pregnancy Diffusion basis spectrum imaging (DBSI) is an MRI technique that offers non-invasive insights into cervical structure by imaging cellularity, collagen, and muscle fibers. Here, the authors apply DBSI on the hu...
Pruritus:Itching.Prurituscan result from drug reaction, foodallergy, kidney orliver disease, cancers, parasites,agingor dry skin, contact skin reaction, such aspoison ivy, and for unknown reasons.
Once the full course of treatment has been undertaken, it is important to have regular follow-up care to monitor for any long-term side effects as well as for future relapse or metastases. Alternative treatment The term alternative therapy refers to therapy utilized instead of conventional treatmen...
The specific cause for epilepsy is unknown for about half of all epileptic patients according to the Epilepsy Foundation. However, there are a number of conditions that can result in epilepsy birth defects deprivation of oxygen to the brain ...
o. Pleurisy with effusion, within the previous two years if known or unknown origin. p. Pneumothorax during the year preceding examination if due to a simple trauma or surgery; during the three years preceding examination from spontaneous origin. Recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax after surgical correc...
administration may cause considerable irritation. If it does, discontinue injection immediately and inject remaining portion of dose into another vein. To treat extravasation, administer local injection of hyaluronidase and apply moderate heat to affected area. Action Unknown. Thought to block cell ...
The authors concluded that injectable PLLA is a safe and effective long-term treatment option for HIV-associated lipoatrophy. The cosmetic surgery exclusion precludes payment for any surgical procedure directed at improving appearance. The condition giving rise to the patient's pre-operative appearance ...
Short-term Medical Missions (STMMs) have become one avenue for extending healthcare delivery in countries such as Ghana. Historically in Ghana, large numbers of people have engaged in short term medical missions yearly. They come primarily from High Income Countries (HICs) to provide medical ...