24-hour average heart rate, anxiety, platelet response toarachidonic acid, and depression symptoms, compared to those taking placebo. There were no differences noted in von Willebrand Factor antigen, platelet-granulocyte aggregates, or bereavement intensity. No significant adverse safety...
The sudden loss of a job, divorce, or the death of a loved one or even a family pet are things that cause us to experience overwhelming emotions. The term "broken-hearted" is often used to describe these reactions, but it's rarely thought of as life-threatening However,broken heart syn...
Broken heart syndrome is a very real physical condition from the intense stress experienced in certain types of grief (such as one spouse losing the other after decades of marriage). The medical term is takotsubo cardiomyopathy, a temporary enlargement of the heart …Read More » ...
In medicine, the "broken heart syndrome" is described as a relatively new nosological entity that has been used synonymously with the term tako-tsubo or stress cardiomyopathy. Among those three terms, however, the broken heart most vividly draws the connection between conditions under which lived...
However, not all foods are good for your cholesterol levels. In this article, we Read More » Fatima May dela Paz, RT March 7, 2023 Cardiology What Is Hypertensive? What High Blood Means and How to Treat Hypertension Hypertensive is a medical term used to describe a person who has...
When fatigue is long-term, severe, and it can?t be explained by lifestyle or a medical condition, the cause could be a condition called chronic fatigue syndrome. Doctors don?t yet know what causes chronic fatigue syndrome. They think it might stem from an infection, a problem with the ...
The Hidden Costs of Birth Control: Understanding Long-Term Side Effects Sponsored Post Birth control has revolutionized reproductive health, giving individuals more control over family planning and overall well-being. However, while hormonal contraceptives like Depo-Provera offer convenience, they also come...
Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) - GERIATRIC CARDIOLOGY 2025 (France) Acute Coronary Syndromes - Heart Congress_2025 (France) Acute Management of Heart Failure and Angina - Congestive Heart Failure-2025 (Switzerland) Advanced Imaging Techniques for Coronary Artery Disease - Interventional Cardiology 2025 (...
9. Redfors B, Jha S, Thorleifsson S, Short- and long-term clinical outcomes for patients with takotsubo syndrome and patients with myocardial infarction: A report from the swedish coronary angiography and angioplasty registry: J Am Heart Assoc, 2021; 10; e017290 ...
The term “large” is crucial, as this characteristic is not inherently emphasized in the definition of a “pragmatic RCT.” Being sufficiently and appropriately large is essential for RCTs to overcome random errors and achieve greater precision in estimating treatment effects for important outcomes....