Epistaxis:Medical term fornosebleed. The nose is a part of the body that is very rich in blood vessels (vascular) and is situated in a vulnerable position on the face. As a result, anytraumato the face can cause bleeding, which may be profuse. Nosebleeds can occur spontaneously when the...
-injuries of thumb, wrist or knee (minor, but can cause severe,long-term problems) -strain拉伤 -sprain扭伤 -ligament韧带 -tendon筋 -compound fracture复合骨折( with a wound, always serious and require evacuation) -nose fracture鼻子骨折(caused by a direct blow, as in a fight) -the lower ja...
An average, healthy full-term baby at birth weighs 7.5 lb (3.4 kg), and the placenta and fluid together weigh another 3.5 lb. The remaining weight that a woman gains during pregnancy is mostly due to water retention and fat stores. Her breasts, for instance, gain about 2 lb. in weight...
LEARNING OUTCOME AND OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, you will have increased your knowledge of appropriate responses and care for persons experiencing a mental health crisis, ranging from short-term intervention to emergency management of a life-threatening situation. Specific learning objectiv...
An “antiserum”would be the best term for you to use, as this is giving someone antibodies who is currently infected with the disease.For instance, Dr. Kent Brantly, who contracted Ebola while providing medical aid in Liberia, was treated with antiserum. ...
The ‘Women’s Uprising’ is my own term for the quiet subversion of modern obstetric arrangements by outback women. Time and again I have dispatched Flying Doctors to remote locations to retrieve women in obstetric emergency. They are all supposed to deliver in larger centres, regional hospital...
COPD is caused by long-term exposure to cigarette smoke, chemicals or fumes at work, air pollution, or other irritants. Over time, exposure to these toxic substances damages the airways and makes them less elastic. The walls between the air sacs are destroyed, making it difficult for the al...
Tell patient drug may cause hearing impairment and other serious adverse reactions, such as unusual bleeding or bruising. Instruct him to report these reactions at once. • Advise patient to report new signs or symptoms of infection. • With inhalation form, teach patient how to use nebulizer...
Acute insomnia is a short term insomnia that occurs due to certain changes in lifestyle such as stress of a new job, examinations, etc. That usually lasts for a few days or a few weeks. Chronic insomnia is a long term insomnia lasting from a few months to a few years. There are two...
(i.e. the need for repeated cautery of bleeding telangiectasias or frequent courses of antibiotics for pustular eruptions) Excision or shaving of rhinophyma is considered cosmetic when the afore-mentioned criteria are not met; Keloids Repair of keloids is considered medically necessary if they cause...