[G. apo, from + stilbe, lamp] apothanasia (ap′-o-tha-na′ze-a) Postponement of death; prolongation of life, as opposed to euthanasia. [G. apo, away, + thanatos, death] apothecary (a-poth′e-kar-e) Obsolescent term for pharmacist or druggist. [G. apotheke, a barn, store...
ex-; away from, outside (extract, remove it from a large part) 8. ecto-; out, outside (ectopic pregnancy) 9. sym-; together (symbiosis, close and long-term interaction of two independent organisms, 共生) 10. endo-; in, within (endoplasmic reticulum) 11. endogenous 12. dextromanual ...
To be more precise, it should be broken down into axial back pain, in other words pain that remains in the spine and doesn't radiate down the legs, or radicular pain, which most people refer to as sciatica. But lumbago isa general term denoting low back pain. What does the medical ter...
Flap methods, which are have increased in popularity in recent years, aim to correct the intergluteal line and reduce scar tissue that may form on the midline. Limberg Flap in the Treatment of Patients Presented with Sacrococcygeal Acute Pilonidal Abscess: Long Term Results/Sakrokoksigeal Akut ...
The general term for this type of cancer is cancer of the oral cavity. Hope this help.http://www.fairview.org/healthlibrary/content/sha_canctg_crs.htm Q. What are the symptoms of tongue cancer? I have a white patch on my tongue for quite a while. I tried scratching it off but it...
Each electrode is pressed onto to the prepared skin with a conductive paste to adequately secure it in place for a routine EEG. In the case of long-term or intraoperative EEGs needing firm attachment, electrodes filled with conductive paste or gel are glued to the skin with collodion that is...
This study aimed to determine the effects of two topical treatments on second-intention wound healing in cats. Eight 2 × 2 cm full-thickness wounds were created, four on each side of the dorsal midline of eight laboratory cats, to receive either medical-grade honey ointment (MGH) and its ...
Tibia.Anterior(A)andposterior(B)viewsoftherighttibia.FromDorland's,2000. tibiaval´gaabowingoftheleginwhichtheangulationisawayfromthemidlineofthebody. tibiava´ramedialangulationofthetibiainthemetaphysealregion,dueto agrowthdisturbanceofthemedialaspectoftheproximaltibialepiphysis;therearebothinfantileandadoles...
There was no change in the eligibility criteria for children. In the previous protocol version, we used the term ‘parent’ to describe the person primarily responsible for a child’s care. For clarity, we have updated this term to ‘caregiver’ (i.e. parent or a person primarily responsibl...
The authors term the approval process an “Easy Ride” and suggest that this serves both patients and research badly. It can also be argued that the majority of cancer drug development research currently leading to new drug approval is bogged down in merely getting more ineffective drugs approved...