What is the medical term for brittle bone disease? What is the most serious complication of myasthenia gravis? What is muscle fatigue? Suggest a physiological reason for it. What electrolyte imbalances cause cardiac arrhythmias? What term means an abnormal hardening of the walls of an artery?
What does DJD stand for in medical terms? What is ESR in medical terms? What is the medical term meaning within the bladder? What does SOB stand for in medical terms? The medical term meaning the abnormal narrowing of the lumen of the trachea is what?
Pracyk and Traynelis stated that cervical arthroplasty (by means of devices such as Prestige, Bryan, and ProDisc) is a promising new technology that may improve patient outcome following anterior cervical decompression. Bertagnoli et al noted that long-term follow-up studies are needed before more...
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy is given before surgery. There is no correlation between neoadjuvant chemotherapy and long-term survival, but there are advantages to see if the cancer responds to the chemotherapy before surgical removal. This can also reduce the size of the cancer and allow for a less ex...
IVP Intravenous pyelogram IVPB Intravenous Piggyback (i.v. short term infusion) IVU Intravenous urogram IVUS Intravascular ultrasoundJAbbrev.Meaning JCV John Cunningham virus JEV Japanese encephalitis virus JIA Juvenile idiopathic arthritis JMS Junior medical student, aka MS-3 JODM Juvenile-onset diabetes...
Short term output surge capability for motors or other high peak current loads. (Available up to 120W for 1 second at nameplate voltage range. Higher levels possible for limited input voltage range, or larger allowed voltage dip.) Reduced leakage current ...
What does DJD stand for in medical terms? What does neurological disease mean? Define the medical term stasis What does PACU mean in medical terms? Is ALS a neurodegenerative disease? Is ALS a brain disease? Is ALS a degenerative disease? Define MVA in medical terms What does mild degenerativ...