Wakewell LLC Waterbury (WB) Welcon (WE) Welcon/Nurse Assist Welland - Montreal Ostomy (BE) Wellspect Healthcare Wellspect Healthcare/Astra (AH) Welly Health Western Medical (GL) Western Medical (WM) Westmed Westmed (WMD) Whitestone Whitestone (WH) Whitestone Corp (HU) Winchester Labs Winfield...
On 29 October, Lt. Col. Kilgore left for Italy to secure a Hospital site for the 26th. A few days later, an advance party with men from the Medical Supply and Unit Supply sections followed him. The shipment of all materiel was accomplished by truck between 6 November and 11 November. O...
individuals who are designated as "caregivers" may grow marijuana and provide it to patients who have specifically chosen the person to act as their caregiver. The role of the caregiver varies. Some provide medical marijuana to only one patient, while others have created businesses and supply medi...