▼ 杜克大学(Duke University)和新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore, NUS)于2005年4月签署了正式协议,根据协议两家机构将合作伙伴,在新加坡建立一个新的医学院,这是Duke-NUS Medical School 的由来。 Duke-NUS Medical School 是新加坡第一个美国式的医学院。 其医学院提供创新的MD和博士(PhD)课程。毕...
The article offers information regarding the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine in Singapore which will open in 2013. It states that the medical school will make opportunities for Singaporeans to engage with a local medical education which will focus to treat patients. It mentions that the medical...
play. inspire. EMPOWER. A STEM.org accredited curriculum to encourage and brighten little minds in SingaporeOur Programs are now STEM.org Accredited!see ourPROGRAMS REGISTERfor classes join ourTEAMWhy Children Love Little Medical School It’s fun! (It is so much fun, they don’t even ...
The Duke-NUS (National University of Singapore) Graduate Medical School in Singapore, and now the Duke University School of Medicine, utilizes an innovative approach called TeamLEAD (learn, engage, apply, develop), where students learn most of the material before class via online lectures (as wel...
杜克大学(Duke University)和新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore, NUS)于2005年4月签署了正式协议,根据协议两家机构将合作伙伴,在新加坡建立一个新的医学院,这是Duke-NUS Medical School 的由来。 Duke-NUS Medical School 是新加坡第一个美国式的医学院。
Initially, students were selected for Madras Medical College, the traditional source for medical officers in early Singapore, by a combination of an examination as well as an observed preceptorship at the General Hospital. With the establishment of the medical school in Singapore in 1905, the ...
The School of Postgraduate Medical Studies was established in 1970 and in phase 4 from 1970--1981, 391 postgraduates were trained and qualified. This last phase has enabled the National University of Singapore and the Academy of Medicine to provide sufficient expertise in both the private and ...
The Singapore Medical School celebrates its Centenary in 2005. This historical review is presented on Singapore's postgraduate medical education and specialist training programmes. The special informal role of the Alumni Association and its members during the early years and soon after World War II is...
While there is a shifting of care from acute care settings to more community care, this has not been reflected in the primary care training in local medical schools. Furthermore, no research has explored how different aspects of the medical school curricula in Singapore influence students’ ...
This study was performed in Region Västra Götaland in the south-west of Sweden, a region with 1.7 million inhabitants. The University of Gothenburg within this region has a medical school. An agreement between the Swedish state, the region, and Gothenburg university, requires all health care...