Firstly, this study was conducted at only one medical school, which could limit the transferability to other settings. Secondly, we cannot completely rule out that the difference in study-years between the groups affected feedback behaviour. As third-year students are more experienced with the PT...
Muche ZTJFip: internet addiction and its associated factors among African high school and university students: systematic review and meta-analysis. 2022, 13:847274. Okae P, Gyasi KJE. Internet penetration in Africa compared to the rest of the world. 2013, 15:17.14. Spada MM. An overview of...
year in college, perceived stress, and smartphone addiction were associated with the total academic burnout score. Psychological resilience and adapting to online classes were protective factors for academic burnout. As show in Table 3, the model could explain 34.3% (adjusted R2 scores: 34.2%...
In differentiating advanced fibrosis (F2–F3) from mild/moderate fibrosis (F1–F2), the BAST score at cutoff ≤ − 0.451 showed better diagnostic performance with 90.70% sensitivity, 74.07% specificity, 84.8% PPV and 83.3% NPV compared to FIB-4 that had 60.47% sensitivity, 50.0% ...
Applicant age, sex, medical school of graduation, self-identified race, and permanent zip code were evaluated for association with Step 1 and Step 2CK scores using a 2-samplettest. A multivariable linear regression analysis was conducted to understand the predictive value of demographic features ...
University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, USA Loren G. Marino Department of Pediatrics, University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, USA Katherine E. Boguszewski, Haley F. Stephens & Julia F. Taylor Contributions LGM performed the initial search of literature and selec...
The prevalence of mental health struggles among students in medical school is widely reported; however, little is known about how it is impacted by the medical school curriculum. This study aimed to evaluate differences in anxiety, depression, and emotio
The study was approved by the ethical committee of Keio University School of Medicine (approval number: 20231161). Results The participant flowchart is shown in Fig. 1. 178 (27.3%) of the 651 eligible family physicians completed the survey. 210 physicians in specialties other than family ...
To better understand the nuanced nature of student concerns regarding AΩA, the Medical Student Government (MSG) at the Perelman School of Medicine created an anonymous survey to examine the student body opinions on AΩA and the factors associated with those opinions. To our knowledge, this is...
School of Medicine, Wayne State University, Detroit, USA Joel L. Young Contributions J.Y., J.S., R.P., and M.N. conceptualized the study. R.P., A.P., and L.W. designed and performed statistical analyses and acquired regulatory approval. L.G. wrote the initial draft and edited the...