SPIMACO also has ownership in number of joint stock ans limited liabilities companies inside and outside the Kingdom . SPIMACO has developed a strong position in Saudi Arabia and is well positioned to sustain its growth and have a sound platform to serve export markets. SPIMACO main manufac...
International Relations and Recruitment Office International Relations and Security Network International Relations and Security Network International Relations and Security Network International Relations and Security Studies International Relations and Trade
In June 2024, IQVIA introduced a home clinical technology trial platform, addressing site challenges and reducing workload. This technology enabled sites to streamline recruitment and treatment processes, increasing patient enrollment capacity and concurrent trial management. ...
2.2. Recruitment One of the authors, Dr. Karaki, worked with the Director of the Ma’an Orphanage Charitable Society to contact possible interviewees for this inquiry and to inform those individuals of the study team’s interest in speaking with them to discuss their experiences as itinerant wo...
should be used for reports of studies. For example, some US agencies also includeSpanish originwhen listing Hispanic and Latino. The termsLatinxandLatineare acceptable as gender-inclusive or nonbinary terms for people of Latin American cultural or ethnic identity in the US. However, editors should...
Today, Holt International is a $28 million-a-year operation working in many countries besides Korea, and one of the largest adoption agencies in the world. But from its inception in Korea in 1955, the majority of children adopted out to the U.S. arenotorphans. The chil...
The scope of our business, backed up by skilled Salesmen, Technicians and Specialists, covers the promotion, supply, installation, training and maintenance of equipment and their accessories. Our firm, established in 1981, a highly experienced leading one in its domain in Saudi Arabia...
Saudi Chambers of Commerce and Industry Business & Money Accounting & Auditing Firms Banks Business Consulting Car Agencies Contracting & Constructions Credit & Finance Companies Drinking Water Companies Electronics Engineering Offices Food & Beverages ...
and transportation to companies whose products are marketed in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; and storage, inventory management, purchasing, and re-invoicing services to distributors. The company was formerly known as Saudi Import Company Holdings and changed its name to Banaja Holdings Ltd. in June...
Salehiya started commercial activities in 1964, as a specialized healthcare company. At present, it is one of the leading companies in Saudi Arabia sp