I can honestly say there are some medical records for me that I’ll never get – as I last saw the only doctor to collect them almost 30 years ago; and yet, that’s one of the most interesting periods in my own medical history – along with another instance just under 20 years ago....
Judge Mizelle had clerked for four judges, including Justice Clarence Thomas, and spent all of ten months at what the organization called a “reputable law firm.” Although the ABA wrote that the Judge had a “keen intellect,” in what appeared to be a sardonic coup de grace dripping with...
The people I dealt with from the clerk who checked me in to the dr who did my procedure were caring and extremely helpful! Patient Submitted Review 4月-2024 My experience as a patient of Russell Hospital was very pleasant . All whom I had contact was very professional and enjoyable to mee...
The people I dealt with from the clerk who checked me in to the dr who did my procedure were caring and extremely helpful! Patient Submitted Review 4月-2024 My experience as a patient of Russell Hospital was very pleasant . All whom I had contact was very professional and enjoyable to mee...
In a day or two the answer came back that he had not a vacancy, and was very much opposed to the whole scheme; the profession was greatly overcrowded, and without capital or connections a man had small chance of becoming more than a managing clerk; he suggested, however, that Philip sho...
Today I function as the desk clerk for short questions people have, as well as 'concierge' services offered for those who want a thorough exploration of their health history and direction to resources likely to progress their health according to their goals. Contact Us comes to me, so please...