The medical records of all the tubercu- losis cases admitted to the UMMC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, during the years 2000- 2007 (eight years) were analyzed. One hun- dred and thirty-one medical records of pa- tients with the diagnosis of TB were evalu- ...
Corporation of Malaysia; NEHR: National Electronic Health Records; NPfIT: National Programme for Information Technology; PDPA: Personal Data Protection Act; POC: Point of care; QIF: Quality Implementation Framework; UMMC: University Malaya Medical Centre Acknowledgments Authors are thankful to UMMC ...
Groove Jones worked with Dr. Reneker and her team at UMMC on a research and development project to solve this problem. Here, a series of tests running inside an HTC Vive Pro Eye VR headset was created to measure performance while completing various tasks. This research is funded by the Heal...
providing user-friendly interfaces based on interactive visualizations and customization of data values. Such tools could assist clinicians in looking at data in different perspectives, which could help them make better decisions. Despite the debate between conventional statistics and machine learning, the...
In this review, we focus on the nano-dimensional design of current state-of-the-art gas sensors, which have achieved records in selectivity, specificity, and sensitivity. We highlight the methods of fabrication for these devices and relate their nano-dimensional materials to their record ...