MD Consult - Regulatory colleges to set painkiller guidelines - Canadian Medical Association Journal - Medical Journal
MD Consult - Physician-writers in the age of blogging - Canadian Medical Association Journal - Medical Journal
MD Consult - Diagnosis and treatment of dementia: 4. Approach to management of mild to moderate dementia - Canadian Medical Association Journal - Medical Journal
To ensure that all physicians can provide high-quality care to people with IDD, further understanding and attention to undergraduate medical education related to IDD is needed.#A 24-item survey assessed the experiences, attitudes, knowledge, skills, and future interest of Canadian medical students ...
doi:info:doi/10.1155/2009/659208Robert B KalinaCanadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology
MD Consult - Recession stresses mental health system - Canadian Medical Association Journal - Medical Journal
HumansLeprosyHistory, 20th CenturyLeprosyB. Migozzi
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