Given the time, a BLS crew can begin life-sustaining measures or conduct an assessment for proper hand-off to the paramedics upon arrival. If there is not enough time to physically begin care, the assignment of multiple resources may similarly be harmful to agency readiness and unnecessarily ...
The construction of a specific deep-learning model is based on the structure of input data, as shown in Fig.6. FNNs can be used to extract information from a 1D representation, such as the 1D statistical features of lung sound data. For RNNs, the lung sounds will be divided into contin...
In trading station lounges for the cramped cab of an ambulance, there has been a genuine cost to the paramedics and EMTs. However, the argument they make is not about fixing the plan, but rather it becomes an attempt discredit the foundation of that plan completely. Consider the fact that...
There’s little to no reason for having your friend to repeatedly fill in the same forms for every visit to a hospital but that issue, whether it’s local or not, can’t be the argument for putting nation-wide medical records in the hands of a single corporation or processed using a s...
It is also worth mentioning that a significant share of the total expenditure is related to wage expenses, as NEMS fleet accounts for 930 ground personnel, and the monthly remuneration of 250 USD offered to NEMS paramedics is higher than the average salary of nurses working in public hospitals,...