MEDICAL PROBLEMS IN THE DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF CANCERAn abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.doi:10.1097/00000441-192810000-00012LLOYD F. CRAVERN Engl J Med
Must advance on the carrier of couplet of medical grading diagnosis and treatment, the scientific implementation of two-way referral, clear two-way referral service process to carry out the medical and health institutions function orientation, tertiary hospitals gradually reduce the proportion of patients...
Medical care has three main elements: diagnosis of disease or injury, treatment of disease or injury, and prevention of disease.2. Serious ailments require diagnosis by an expert, who, in most cases, is a doctor. Doctors use three main types of "clues" in making a diagnosis: the patient'...
The ultimate clinical companion: know what the experts know -- and make it part of your practice! In this trusted text, you'll find the most current insights into symptoms, signs, epidemiology, etiology, and treatment for over 1,000 diseases and disorders. Turn to any topic, and you'll ...
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treatment."Today'smedicineissopowerful,thereasonisthat inthepast150yearshappenedtoturntheworldupsidedown changes,asChekhovinthe"sixthward",wrote:"themedicine oftentouchedhisheart,heevokesafeelingofsurprise.Indeed, itsbrilliantachievementswereunexpected,andwhataprofound ...
Clinical diagnosis and the laboratory: Logical strategies for common medical problems, 1st ed Laboratory tests are essential elements in the care and treatment of both the well and the sick. But too often the selection of which test to order and the interpretation of the result are left to cha...
Roleofstandardizeddiagnosisandtreatmentsystemforintensivecare 系统标签: 病人disputes纠纷医疗诊疗medical 致谢:项目在实施过程中,得到了四川省科技 厅、卫生厅、食品药品监督管理局、中医药管理局等 部门,成都市青羊区、郫县、双流县、龙泉驿区、雅安 名山县、石棉县、绵阳市平武县、内江市东兴区、阿坝 州小金县、汶川...
The aim of this study was to review the current status and usage of guidelines in the diagnosis and treatment of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in European countries and to compare to established guidelines in the United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), and the World Health Organization...
Results: Bacteriological diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis was the preferred method of diagnosis among 73.1% (n = 76) physicians. The combination of four tuberculous drugs was selected by 95.2% of them. For treatment of newly diagnosed tuberculosis, 91.3% prescribed RHEZ. Preferred treatment duration...