We offer comprehensive full-service medical physics and testing for all diagnostic imaging and therapeutic modalities.
I was able to communicate like a real medical person in my interviews. I felt comfortable with all the questions they asked me, and therefore I came across confident and knowledgeable and that led me to being offered a great job working at Havas Health and You, NYC as an Associate Medical...
In New York City, a major project was launched in 2015 to foster sustainable employment opportunities for people with disabilities across a range of sectors. NYC: ATWORK blends funding from private sources with public resources to meet employers' need for workers. "Our city has almost 1 million...
Amazon would also reportedly add another 25,000 jobs to a location in Crystal City in northern Virginia near Washington, D.C. New York and Washington, like other major cities with existing clusters of highly educated workers, research universities and other successful technology companies, are incre...
The school has launched some 300 companies and created more than 9,000 jobs in the region. The University of Michigan reported venture licensing revenues increased from $13.8 million to $14.4 million last year on 98 new companies launched in the last 10 years. ...
The world is already short of computer security experts, but by 2017 that shortfall is going to have reached about two million. Criminal hackers cause damage running to billions of pounds every year – just look at the attack on Sony Pictures, leaking un
A Duke University graduate student has found a way to double the battery life of mobile devices – such as smartphones or laptop computers – by making changes to WiFi technology.