Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) is a State Corporation established through the Science and Technology (Amendment) Act of 1979, which has since been amended to Science, Tec ... Location: Kenya 31/Jul/2024 Details Facebook Senior Nursing Officer at Kenya Medical Research Institute –...
This is a structured period where doctors in training transit from supervised learning in medical schools to rapidly assume clinical responsibility under supervision, and it can be challenging [1]. Despite the different terminology from intern, house officer, foundation doctor to resident, they are ...
Appropriate and well-resourced medical internship training is important to ensure psychological health and well-being of doctors in training and also to recruit and retain these doctors. However, most reviews focused on clinical competency of medical interns instead of the non-clinical aspects of train...
In Uganda, the inspection teams comprised of two sub teams; A and B, headed by Mr Daniel Yumbya, the chief executive officer of the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentist Council, and Prof David Ngassapa, the chairperson...
had worked for the IMANI hospital for 12 years. He was first employed as a clinical officer and then promoted to assistant medical officer and a medical specialist position following an array of medical courses in Tanzania and abroad. His long tenure at the hospital seems to be closely associat...
Kenya Methodist University | Kenyatta University | Elmergib University | University of Benghazi | University of Zawia | University of Misurata | University of Rwanda | Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University | North-West University | Rhodes University | University of KwaZulu | University of Limpopo | ...
Finally, it has been argued that beliefs associated with uvulectomy can delay the biomedical treatment of ill- nesses in children, but there are no systematic studies on this aspect. However, a study of twenty malnourished children in Kenya found that for some caregivers, uvulec- tomy was ...
In this genome-wide association study, participants were from 8 African countries (ie, Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan, Uganda, and Zambia). Any Black African group from any of the 8 African countries (mostly of Bantu descent) was included in the Black African cohort...
get in conflict with religion. I reassure myself when I look at it from the angle of helping. I look at it from the angle of helping others, so, I do not believe that it is counted on me as sin. … God had said help those who are in need. (#5, male health officer, private...