You may wonder why your doctor is thumping your back like a ripe melon. That tapping action has a name: “percussion.” And just like a drum, your lungs have air that carries sound. That sound can let your doctor know if there is liquid inside your lungs, which can happen if you are...
rose spots Rose-colored maculae occurring on the abdomen or loins in typhoid fever. Roth spots See: Roth spots ruby spotCherry angioma. shin spots The colloquial name for necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum. This condition is usually, but not always, associated with diabetes. See: necrobiosis ...
Liver spots (also called age spots) are a common skin condition that typically appears on the face and forearms of older individuals. Although these flat brown spots cause no symptoms, patients detest them because of their unsightly appearance. They can be treated in a variety of ways, but ...
Roth spots SEE:Roth spots ruby spot ruby spot ruby spot SEE:Cherry angioma. shin spots shin spots shin spots The colloquial name for necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum. This condition is usually, but not always, associated with diabetes.
a definite pathological process having a characteristic set of signs and symptoms. It may affect the whole body or any of its parts, and its etiology, pathology, and prognosis may be known or unknown. For specific diseases, see under the specific name, asaddison's disease. See alsoillness,...
He is sometimes called Rambam, standing for the initials of his Hebrew name: Rabbi Moses ben Maimon. Maimonides proposed a sober, clean lifestyle and had a strong influence on later medicine. This may be a reason why the Jewish community was often relatively unaffected by epidemics, like the...
Everyday memory slips, like forgetting an address or the name of a person you haven?t seen in a while shouldn?t be concerning, but getting disoriented in a familiar location or forgetting the name of your spouse can be dementia symptoms. Several forms of dementia can affect memory, ...
Teething was mentioned by 24 participants and represented 17 UR (not all participants gave us details on used remedies). The Tahitian name for identifying teething was “niho.” This term was clearly referring to teething which could not be considered as a disease, so no additional data on the...
There is no spider in the palm of the liver. There are no spots (parts, numbers) Lymphnodes: Lymph gland Superficial, lymph, nodes:, non-swelling, swelling (position, and, characteristics) The whole body lymph node enlargement, no enlargement (location and characteristic) ...
A.your question troubled me... from what i know of bone development - what you say can very much happen but i never heard of a case like that.and i looked a bit about maybe some information about it, but i'm pretty sure that the name you gave is not the disease that she has, ...