A powerful pain-killing and narcotic drug used to control persistent pain that cannot be relieved by lesser drugs. It can be taken by mouth or given by injection. Morphine has a valuable effect on the emotional response to pain and in relieving the anxiety associated with the contemplation of...
Former name for ninhydrin. triketopurine (tri-ke-to-pur′en) SYN: uric acid. trilabe (tri′lab) A three-pronged forceps for removal of foreign bodies from the bladder. [tri- + G. labe, a handle, hold] trilaminar (tri-lam′i-nar) Having three laminae. trilateral (tri-lat′...
Medical and health news service that features the most comprehensive coverage in the fields of neuroscience, cardiology, cancer, HIV/AIDS, psychology, psychiatry, dentistry, genetics, diseases and conditions, medications and more.
Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Acronyms Cre·dé (krĕ-dā'), Karl S.F., German obstetrician and gynecologist, 1819-1892. See:Credé methods. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us,...
Indicates that medication should be taken only when necessary; for example, for relief of symptoms such as pain, anxiety, or allergies instead of a regular schedule. Stat: Immediately (Latin: statim). Indicates medication should be taken right away. qd, QD**: Every day (Latin: quaque die...
innovative scientific investigation, and state-of-the-art patient care in a learning environment to better the health of society and its commitment to the discovery of new innovative biomedical and health services knowledge leading to increasingly effective and accessible health care for the citizens of...
Prefix denoting the presence in a molecule of the group &tbond;C–N&dbond;N–C&tbond;. Cf.:diazo-. [Fr. azote, name for nitrogen proposed by AL Lavoisier (1743–1794)] azobilirubin (az′o-bil-i-roo′bin) The red-violet pigment formed by the condensation of diazotized sulfanilic ac...
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Uneasiness or anxiety:Some strains of marijuana can trigger paranoia and anxiety for the user. To counteract this side effect, take a different strain or use it at a different time of day. Many medical cannabis physicians recommend tracking your side effects. Keep a journal and update your doct...