美国医疗保障体系由商业保险(Private Insurance)和社会保险组成。 其中,商业保险主要由商业保险公司运营和承担风险,社会保险主要由联邦医疗补助服务中心(CMS,Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)管理和运营,包含联邦医疗保险(Medicare)和医疗补助(Medicaid)等计划。具体介绍如下: 01联邦医疗保险:Medicare 联邦医疗保险M...
大多数的保险计划的自付款在500美元到5000美元不等。 3、共同保险(co-insurance):指使用医生门诊、急诊、住院、手术和处方药等医疗服务后,受保人需要按照保险合同规定的比例支付一部分医疗费用。一般情况下,保险公司与个人所需承担费用的比例为4:1,即...
medicare医疗保险; 词组短语 基本医疗保险basic health insurance; basic health-care insurance system 基本医疗保险制度health-care insurance system 城镇职工基本医疗保险basic medical insurance system for urban workers and residents 双语例句 1. "Medicare" is available to victims of advanced kidney disease. ...
Major medical insurance is different from other healthcare plans because it is more comprehensive. The terms for this type of health insurance plan are typically longer than a short-term one and provide more extensive coverage than a catastrophic one. For example, a major medical insurance plan w...
Medical evacuation insurance, ormedevac insurance, covers the cost of transporting you to an appropriate medical facility if you experience a serious illness or injury in an area without adequate healthcare. This coverage is especially beneficial for travelers or expats in remote or low-resource locat...
medicare n. 医疗保险;[例句]'Medicare' is available to victims of advanced kidney disease 老年医疗保险也适用于肾病晚期患者。medical insurance [词典] 医疗保险;[例句]These items are not covered by your medical insurance 这些项目不在你的医保范围之内。含义和用法相同,无区别,都是医疗...
美国医疗保险(Medical Insurance)基本知识科普 美国的医疗费用高昂,对于当地的普通居民来说,如果没有医疗保险,那么生一次大病或严重外伤所花费的费用足以使之破产,对于到美国旅游访问的外国人来说,购买医疗保险也是很有必要的。但是美国的医疗保险系统五花八门、内容非常复杂,很多人并不知道要购买什么类型的保险,也不...
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Medicare is government-sponsored health insurance for people ages 65 and older, those with disabilities, and people with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). In addition to Original Medicare, you can choose a Medicare Advantage Plan or other types of Medicare health plans.Medicare Enrollment Common enro...
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