Here’s our list ofvisa medical centres in Dubaiyou can visit. You can also read our guide onDubai medical report for visa check online. That concludes our guide to Smart Salem Medical Fitness Centre. If you need to avail their services; the booking process is simple and the services swift...
I did not know what to do, where to go for the treatment. Most of the people in Dubai told me that it is very difficult that you can lead a normal life after such severe stroke. But my Daughter kept looking for options. US was definitely very expensive. It was when we learnt about...
The golden age of Indian medicine witnessed the writing of noted medical practitioners such as Charak and Sushruta, which helped India become a regional hub for innovation in medicine from 800 BCE to 1000 CE. Today, India boasts of a sizeable public-private healthcare system tha...
Apart from this, by integrating the insurer information and the patients’ health insurance details, it would be possible to start treatment without waiting for payment to be made. The Examples from around the World This is the practice in the United States and most of the developed world ...