In summary, then, the matters implicit in a number of the articles in this issue of Medical Humanities prompt us to qualify our understanding of the territorial division between arts in health and the medical humanities as such. Useful though the operational distinction is between the two, there...
Medical Humanities - Fine Arts - Sciences - Bioethics Etymology - Mythology - History - Literature - Poetry Search Go to the new Pandora Word Box N Word Origins byPandora Word Boxlinks Medicine and Biology with Humanities, Arts and Sciences. The goal is to stress "Ideas in Words",to beente...
Medical Humanitiesrest on a command of language and appreciation of visual fine arts. Both are expressions of fundamental ideas. The ancestry of ideas in words has roots in remote times, in a manner similar to the ancestry of genes. Like genes, words have a family history or pedigree that c...
This analysis presents data on medical marijuana laws, cannabis use, and cannabis use disorders from 3 US national surveys conducted approximately 10
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This cohort study examines the association between reported mistreatment and medical student sex, race/ethnicity, and sexual orientation.
Maldynia as Muse: A Recent Experiment in the Visual Arts and Medical Humanitiesdoi:10.1201/B10403-9N. CarlinT. Cole
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