“Gastrodiscoides.” Merriam-Webster.com Medical Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/medical/Gastrodiscoides. Accessed 16 Jan. 2025. Copy Citation Share Post the Definition of Gastrodiscoides to Facebook Facebook Share the Definition of Gastrodiscoides on Twitter Twitte...
en·do·gas·tric ˌen-dō-ˈgas-trik : of or relating to the inside of the stomach endogastrically -tri-k(ə-)lē adverb Dictionary Entries Near endogastric endogamy endogastric endogenous See More Nearby Entries ...
a number of generic methods are used which are able to detect and identify a very board range ofpolymer additives. These techniques include gas and liquid chromatography with and withoutmass spectrometry, headspace gas chromatography, gravimetric and IR analysis usingFourier Transformed Infrared Spectrosco...
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Sometimes the law may fly in the face of established ethical principles, such as a law requiring a doctor to send incurable patients to a gas chamber. Such laws have existed in the past in Nazi Germany in the twentieth century, and doctors have complied with them. Other doctors have rebel...
develops many of thesafety standardsused, and the American Society of Sanitary Engineers provides the oversight for gas plumbing. Codes for oxygen storage and delivery in hospitals and ambulatory facilities are found in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 99Health Care FacilitiesCode, hereaf...
Google Share on Facebook therapeutic drug monitoring (redirected fromFirst order kinetics) therapeutic drug monitoring Clinical pharmacology The regular measurement of serum levels of drugs requiring close 'titration' of doses in order to ensure that there are sufficient levels in the blood to be ther...
Google Share on Facebook fundoplication [fun″do-pli-ka´shun] mobilization of the lower end of theesophagusand plication of thefundusof the stomach up around it, in the treatment ofrefluxesophagitisthat may be associated with disorders such ashiatalhernia. ...
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Google Share on Facebook spondylitis deformans (redirected frompoker back) spon·dy·li·tis de·for·mans arthritis and osteitis deformans involving the spinal column; marked by nodular deposits at the edges of the intervertebral disks with ossification of the ligaments and bony ankylosis of the in...