(per- ceived) examiners' expectations, rather than the way they would act in clinical practice. The supportive quotes for superordinate theme 2 'being a holistic clinician' outline how students expressed frustration with MCQs being insufficient to demonstrate their understanding of a topic Lane et...
Furthermore, students described how the visibility of the potential answers within MCQs was contrary to real-world clinical decision-making and over-simplified the process of clinical reasoning: “They always give options, so we rely on the options to eliminate or to choose. When it comes to th...
Ethics approval and consent to participate Conducting this study was approved by the ethical committee board at our University of Medical Sciences. The approval code is IR.TBZMED.REC.1396.1129. All students provided written informed consent to participate. The learning objectives of the studies were ...
1. Research Ethics and Informed Consent ■ Preparation: readings on research ethics violations■ iRAT: MCQs on research ethics■ gRAT: MCQs on research ethics■ Appeal/Discussion: challenge and discuss answers to questions ■ Students will reinforce their comprehension of Module 2 with independent...
could be recognised and completed successfully through “memorisation”, without the need for deeper understanding. Furthermore, students described how the visibility of the potential answers within MCQs was contrary to real-world clinical decision-making and over-simplified the process of clinical ...
In the research conducted by Santos GN et al. which included undergraduate dental students, also used MCQs and radiological imaging for oral radiology course. Their study showed an increase in the number of correct answers, but they did not have pre and post intervention comparative analysis [24...
and in accordance with the ethics requirement for the collaboration. One AMSAC item was excluded from the AMSAC pool due to poor item performance and the data presented here are based on the remaining 49 MCQs. The impact of different standard setting methods on the item ratings and school cut...
The MCQs include a question mark option that yields no points, and points are deducted for incorrect answers (Lord, 1975). All participating students take an identical PT in an exam hall with proctoring. The final score on the PT is expressed as a percentage of the maximum attainable score...
Research suggests that combining machine learning and semantic-based techniques can be used to create multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with minimal grammatical and context problems [1]. The automation of MCQs in the medical education domain requires high-level skills and expertise in the medical ...
Based on a pre-determined answer key, scoring was made on a scale of 0 to 1, with zero representing incorrect and one representing the correct answer. The results revealed that out of 100 MCQs in various disciplines of basic and clinical medical sciences, ChatGPT attempted all the MCQs and...