Locally owned, Island Mediquip serves Victoria, Duncan, Courtenay, & Nanaimo on Vancouver Island with quality home medical supplies & mobility equipment.
A Durable Medical Equipment (DME) solution with expert knowledge and customer service in VAD and wound care supplies for patients and clinics Open website Bravida’s Innovative Solutions Impact Clinical Outcomes: Wound Care Chronic wounds impact the quality of life of nearly2.5% (more than 8 mill...
Optometry Clinic's Diagnostic Equipment in 2009 The above images are from Dr. John Poon, optometrist operating Purely Optometry Family Eye & Vision Care New Patients & Walk-ins Welcome #105 - 1964 Fort St. Victoria, B.C. Canada Tel: 250-590-7499 ...
Aetna considers high frequency pulsed electromagnetic stimulation (also known as therapeutic magnetic resonance) experimental, investigational, or unproven for all indications, including any of the following (not an all-inclusive list) because its effectiveness has not been established: Acute post-operative...
It may apply both to tangible assets (physical objects such as buildings or equipment) and to intangible assets (such as human capital, intellectual property, goodwill and/or financial assets). Asset management is a systematic process of developing, operating, maintaining, upgrading, and disposing...
Smartwatches have become increasingly popular in recent times because of their capacity to track different health indicators, including heart rate, patterns of sleep, and physical movements. This scoping review aims to explore the utilisation of smartwat
"To Executive Director Denise Metcalfe and all her staff at Comox Valley Lifeline. The kind assistance I received from them when returning equipment soon after my father passed went well beyond what was required or expected. Our whole community is enhanced by the Lifeline and even more so by...
As of Sept 17, the FNHA had supplied more than 1.4 million pieces of personal protective equipment to First Nations communities across B.C. FNHA has also secured three GeneXpert devices. The rapid COVID-19 diagnostic tools will be utilized in the health regions of Vancouver Isla...
The cause of Scarlet's sickness was never identified. But she taught the team a lot about questions to consider and the diagnostic tools, equipment and coordination needed for future veterinary interventions, which are expected. "What J50 did was move us years ahead with what we've been talkin...