Doctor Odyssey, which premiered in September,epitomizes this trend. The ABC show follows a medical team on a luxury cruise ship, a premisepitched by co-creator Ryan MurphyasThe Love BoatmeetsNip/Tuck.Its splashy roster of celebrity guest stars — from Shania Twain to Kelsea Ballerini — shake...
"Marcus Welby, M.D" debuted on ABC on September 23, 1969. Robert Young, formerly of "Father Knows Best," starred in its title role. James Rollin played Steven Kiley, the younger doctor on the show. In addition to being highly regarded as a television drama, the show was praised with ...
12/27/2024 by Raquel 'Rocky' Harris The Wrap The Good Doctor Midseason Ratings Report Card: ABC’s Most- and Least-Watched Shows 12/27/2024 by Matt Webb Mitovich Midseason Ratings Report Card: ABC’s Most- and Least-Watched Shows ...
"Doc," is about a woman whose brain injury erased the last eight years of her life, dealing with being a doctor, mother, and partner despite losing nearly a decade of experience. The show is ordered for at least one full season set at a fictional hospital. This is the second time a ...
This compilation of animated shorts and unaired episodes from the Black Jack series adds further depth to the life and adventures of the enigmatic doctor and his assistant Pinoko. Each entry focuses on a unique medical case, delving into ethical dilemmas and showcasing Black Jack's exceptional ski...
InHouse tv show, Hugh Laurie smoothly plays the role of a drug addict, rude but a genius doctor. The show is beautifully crafted, acted, and directed. Some people will argue that it is the best medical TV show ever. 3. MASH Mash is a tale of mobile army surgeonswho survive the odds...
艾伦秀 EllenShow 28 Howie Mandel_'s Doctor Interrupts His Interview 03:40 艾伦秀 EllenShow 29 ASHE Sings ‘Moral of the Story’[流畅版] 03:28 艾伦秀 EllenShow 30 Joe Buck Does a Play-by-Play of Viral Videos 06:02 艾伦秀 EllenShow 31 Charles Barkley Clarifies COVID Vaccine Remark...
Doctor Adventures All episodes Cast & crew IMDbProAll topicsVirgin Medical Massage Episode aired Feb 18, 2017 YOUR RATING RateAdult Add a plotStars Kara Faux Keiran Lee 在IMDbPro 上查看制作信息 Add to WatchlistTop cast2 Edit Kara Faux Keiran Lee...
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Rather than saving lives with stoic resolve, the doctors and nurses here are tangled in their own quirks and foibles: a head doctor terrified of needles, a new nurse bumbling his way through basic tasks, and an administrator more focused on boosting the hospital's reputation than fixing its ...