type of medical college (government/private), medical college location, academic year, parent’s highest educational status, any first-degree doctor relative, monthly family income (in BDT), and whether any supplementary examinations (when a student fails a subject, he/she has to take supplementary...
Public service motivation, public sector preference and employment of Kenyan medical doctor interns: a cross-sectional and prospective studyPUBLIC sectorLABOR marketINTERNS (Medicine)MEDICAL personnelPHYSICIANSINTERNSBackground: Kenya grapples with a paradox; severe public sector workforce shortages co-exist ...
THE TEAM Later conducted a Medical Clinic in Orlowo, Kenya. Clinician David Kiptanui, of Kacheba Sub County Hospital, Kapenguria, West Pokot County, and his staff teamed up with the mission team to provide healthcare to residents, many of whom have never seen a doctor or visited a hea...
and many highly skilled professionals, including medical doctors, who had graduated, were seeking jobs. In 2006, 52% of Tanzanian doctors were working outside the country (Clemens & Pettersson,2008), which caused big losses for the country in terms of investments in ...
[44,45,46,47]. Since this study was conducted in China, a summary of DCEs conducted for Chinese medical students found that monthly income, location, work environment, training and career development opportunities [12], and patient–doctor relationships [4] also had an important impact on job...
Depending on your qualifications, you will work directly with the patients or perform office duties – you may even have the opportunity to assist in surgeries or spend part of your time shadowing a local doctor. Many clinics and hospitals throughout the country cannot afford the same materials...
Likewise the use of m-health technology offered economic and social benefits to rural communities in Kenya by reducing health expenditures, and even in some cases creating jobs for community health workers [47]. Concerns about potential drawbacks of these technologies also exist from the doctors’ ...
Kenya Methodist University | Kenyatta University | Elmergib University | University of Benghazi | University of Zawia | University of Misurata | University of Rwanda | Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University | North-West University | Rhodes University | University of KwaZulu | University of Limpopo | ...
1.a person trained in the scientific basis ofnursing, meeting certain prescribed standards of education and clinical competence; see alsonursing practice. 2.to provide services that are essential to or helpful in the promotion, maintenance, and restoration of health and well-being. ...
[44,45,46,47]. Since this study was conducted in China, a summary of DCEs conducted for Chinese medical students found that monthly income, location, work environment, training and career development opportunities [12], and patient–doctor relationships [4] also had an important impact on job...