aggravate the illness,the conclusion would be flight suspension,and then the patient should be forwarded from local hospital to our hospital.After detailed examination,if the conditions of flying personnel are considered not qualified for flight,the conclusion of flying disqualification should be made ...
In the United States, Army Regulation 40-501 ("Standards of Medical Fitness," guidance used by all branches of the US military), notes that a history of neurofibromatosis is a disqualification for enlistment. SUMMARY (1) Headache, headache with migraine, epilepsy, and sleep disturbance/disorder ...
In recent years, with WHO support, Ukraine had made significant strides in strengthening its health systems under an ambitious health reform programme. This included the rapid scale-up of oxygen therapy capacity for severely ill patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Of the over 600 health facilit...
The activity has given rise to its own lexicon—stuffing food in one's mouth ahead of swallowing is known as "chipmunking", and "reversals" are displays of vomiting, which generally entail disqualification. Doctors warn that it could be dangerous, with a 2007 paper in theAmerican Journal of ...
Background: Atopic conditions account for approximately 35% of medical disqualifications among West Point applicants each year. There are limited outcome data concerning the utility of the atopic disqualification standards in predicting military success. Methods: Cadets entering the United States Military ...
Very little published literature exists regarding the extent of medical disqualifications or precluding conditions for initial candidates. METHODS: For the British Army, pilot selection is a phased, multistep process that includes Phase I medical screening followed by a comprehensive Phase II ...
A moderate degree of myopia is not considered a disqualification, provided that it can be corrected by glasses during operations, and that no organic disease of the eye exists. Testimony has also to be furnished, or is sought by the authority concerned, with regard to the candidate's moral ...
Analyses presented in this annual report include analyses of accession medical disqualifications, waivers, existed prior to service and disability discharges. Descriptive statistics are reported for DoD enlisted accessions who enlisted in 2012 compared to FY 2007 through FY 2011 accessions totals. Data ...