d. Gastrointestinal bleeding. History of, unless the cause has been corrected, and is not otherwise disqualifying. e. Hepato-pancreatic-biliary tract. (1) Viral hepatitis, or unspecified hepatitis, within the preceding six months or persistence of symptoms after six months, or objective evidence o...
concentration vs time curve. See Distribution Managed careA Pt's destination after discharge from a hospital. McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. dis·po·si·tion (dis'pŏ-zish'ŭn) ...
Hospital discharge record is a complete but highly condensed medical record for inpatients, which includes inpatients’ basic characteristics, diagnostic and treatment information, and medical expenses. To assess the associations between hospital ownership types and in-hospital mortality and medical expenses,...
The discharge diagnosis is reported by the attending doctor and reported as primary (A) and secondary (B) diagnoses. Diagnoses in NPR from before 1994 are classified with International Classification of Diseases 8 (ICD), and diagnoses made after 1994 until now are classified with ICD-10 [20]....
wishes were considered in discharge planning and how well patients understood when they left how to care for themselves, what medications they will take and why. 2 out of 5 satisfaction with staff responsiveness how promptly help was provided when needed or requested. 2 out of 5 satisfaction ...
UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, CA is on the Best Hospitals Honor Roll. It is nationally ranked in 14 adult and 8 pediatric specialties and rated high performing in 21 adult procedures and conditions. It is a general medical and surgical facility. I
“The complainant levelled allegations that transfusion of blood to the patient resulted in an overdose of steroids. The complainant further submitted that the patient was absolutely fit when he requested the doctors to discharge her. Contention of the complainant is that further transfusion of blood...
to determine the currency of a disease in a given community as a result of pollution or chemical spills. Regression forecasts continuous-response numeric data to discover administration trends, such as the time interval between a patient's discharge and readmission to the hospital (positive/negative...
CarePoint Health Hoboken University Medical Center in Hoboken, NJ is a general medical and surgical facility.
There are plausible mechanisms for how each component of our clinical prediction rule leads to delayed discharge (Additional file 1: Figure S3). Older age is associated with increasing comorbidities and functional decline. Female patients are more likely to be widowed and originate from retirement hom...