OurMedical Dictionaryhas over 22,000 medical and health related terms. The Medical Dictionary has descriptions for various medical terms, pharmaceutical drugs, health conditions, healthcare equipment, and medical devices. We add new definitions to our medical dictionary frequently, and if you want to...
Medical term (medical dictionary) is the medical terminology for MedicineNet.com. Our doctors define difficult medical language in easy-to-understand explanations of over 18,000 medical terms.
a specialized dictionary covering terms used in the health professions by doctors, nurses, and others involved in healthcare services. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofmedical dictionary1 First recorded in 1730–40 Word of the Day ...
Use the search box below to search a database of medical terms and medical definitions. The medical dictionary offers a resource to carry out research or learn the medical definitions of numerous medical terms. Enter word : The medic8 online health dictionary will help you to find the meani...
"McGraw-Hill Medical Dictionary for Allied Health" is a resource that provides correct, complete, current, and easy-to-understand definitions of medical terms to assist allied health students in meeting the challenges of providing quality health care today and in the years to come. This beautiful...
Medical Dictionary is intended for use by healthcare consumers, students, and professionals as well as anyone who wants to keep up with the burgeoning array of terminology found in today’s medical news. By staying clear of jargon, the dictionary offers
Define medicals. medicals synonyms, medicals pronunciation, medicals translation, English dictionary definition of medicals. adj. 1. Of or relating to the study or practice of medicine. 2. Requiring treatment by medicine. med′i·cal·ly adv. American He
Medical Dictionary is intended for use by healthcare consumers, students, and professionals as well as anyone who wants to keep up with the burgeoning array of terminology found in today’s medical news. By staying clear of jargon, the dictionary offers
Find information on thousands ofdiseasesandmedical conditions, and the manyprescription drugscommonly used to treat them. Contents Home Diseases A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Medicines A B C D
The Medical Terminology DB website is a free onilne reference that contains a large collection of medical terms, definitions and meanings. Our website was created for everyone! Students, Healthcare Professionals and Consumers. Here you can easily search or browse our online medical dictionary and ...