Osteoarthritis damages the cartilage between the neck bones and causes pressure on blood vessels leading to the brain. Fainting can be a symptom of a disease such as Stokes-Adams syndrome, a condition in which blood flow to the brain is temporarily reduced because of an irregular heartbeat. ...
People with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), a condition that causes persistent worry, have more continuous anxiety symptoms. These can include muscle aches, headaches, fatigue, shakiness, muscle tension, sweating, and a need to use the bathroom frequently. In people with panic disorder, anxiety...
Anxiety is a common issue that most pregnant women need to overcome. She may worry about the condition of her baby, her husband, her competency to be a mother, the labour and delivery procedure, her work status, any unresolved tasks and more. People who tend to think too much ahead are ...
Fainting spells.(Heart Health: Ask Dr. Zipes: A noted cardiologist answers your questions)(Medical condition overview)Zipes, Douglas P
A balance disorder is a condition that makes you feel unsteady or dizzy, as if you are moving, spinning, or floating, even though you are standing still or lying down. Balance disorders can be caused by certain health conditions, medications, or a problem in the inner ear or the brain. ...
Reduced fibrinogen levels can be found inliver disease, prostate cancer, lung disease, bone marrow lesions, malnourishment, and certain bleeding disorders. The low levels can be used to evaluate disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIS), a serious medical condition that develops when there is a di...
The admixture of two to eight homeopathic remedies known to be effective against a particular condition (e.g., arthritic pain, dry cough, earache, tension headache, etc.), with the hope that one will have an effect on the symptoms affecting the patient. ...
What are some possible causes of the condition? What condition involves failure of the cerebrum to develop? Define the following medical term: Euthyroid Give the medical term that matches the following literal definition: Not breathing Define the following medical term: Infracostal Give ...
Increaseddirectbilirubin levels can be diagnostic of bile duct obstruction, gallstones, cirrhosis, or hepatitis. It is important to note that if total bilirubin levels in the newborn reach or exceed critical levels, exchange transfusion is necessary to avoid kernicterus, a condition that causes ...
Balance Disorders Pictures, Types, Causes and Symptoms What Is a Balance Disorder? A balance disorder is a condition that makes you feel unsteady or dizzy, as if you are moving, spinning, or floating, even though you are standing still or lying down. Balance disorders can be caused by ...