flare-up (flâr′ŭp′) n. 1.An outburst or eruption:a flare-up of anger. 2.A sudden worsening of the symptoms of a disease or condition:a flare-up of eczema. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Miffl...
There is no known cause or cure for this widespread, chronic medical condition linked to a family history of allergies or asthma. Dr. Pierre treats itchyeczemarashes with prescription lotions, moisturizer, and avoidance of harsh soaps for faster healing during a flare-up. ...
Caused by viruses, it can also lead to dangerous complications--such as viral or bacterial pneumonia--that can trigger heart disease flare-ups. People with CVD are more likely to die from flu than patients with any other chronic condition, according to the advisory. Cardiologists enlisted to ...
Numerous systemic diseases such as autoimmune, endocrine, and metabolic diseases, hematological, cardiovascular, rheumatic, as well as internal malignant diseases, can reflect their symptoms on the skin. Skin manifestations and symptoms are often the fir
This is a medical condition that disturbs the process of bone regeneration. It causes normal bone to be replaced with fibrous tissue that is abnormal. It is characterized by a heavy build-up of scar tissue, also known as fibrous tissue, within your bones. This is a very rare medical condit...
this did not show up on the pre-surgical electrocardiogram. A stress test or a Thallium heart scan when the patient still could exercise would have shown this hidden cardiac condition before the surgery, so that a cardiologist could have addressed this condition before the surgery. After that th...
If you’ve been diagnosed with osteoarthritis, there are a few steps you can take to manage this painful condition: Lose weight. When you lose weight, you take a lot of the pressure off your joints, particularly in your back, hips, knees, and feet. This will help reduce any further joi...
Many experts agree that acne is an inflammatory condition. Results of some studies suggest that exposure to air pollution increases the risk of acne breakouts. Substances in air pollution including particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and volatile organic compounds are irritating...
Prostate massage was found unsafe due to its life-threatening fallouts like periprostatic hemorrhage, cellulitis, Fournier’s gangrene, septicaemia, possible disturbance and metastasis of prostate cancer in other body parts as well as hemorrhoidal flare-up. Prostate massage, therefore, is not employed...
What are possible warning signs that depressive symptoms are caused by a medical condition? Onset of symptoms after the age of 40 No personal or family history of depression Symptoms that occur during a major illness or flare-up Symptoms correlate with starting a medication ...