The program is also completely online and self-paced without textbooks or any additional fees that some schools pile on. This is a unique thing in the industry, and almost all other programs out there require you to drive to a physical campus every week. Instead, the online offering means ...
As Hawaii tries to increase the amount of working medical assistants in the state, many organizations are contributing to these efforts by offering scholarships and grants to medical assisting students. The Hawaii Community Foundation awards scholarships to native Hawaiians that wish to improve health ...
33 Student-faculty interaction questions focus on how students perceive faculty support at their medical schools. Relevant questions were transformed via reverse coding to calculate overall MSLES scores for each respondent. Higher summation scores represented more positive perceptions of the learning ...
In addition to an incentive package, the Nusantara Sehat participants were given the opportunity to become civil servants and could apply for scholarships for postgraduate training after completing the programme. However, the retention rate of this programme has not been reported and requires further ...
Concern around nonmedical opioid use (NUPO) among student-athletes in the United States abounds, yet research around NUPO in this population is mixed. While some studies have identified athletic participation and related injury as risk factors for NUPO,
Although the goal of translational research is to bring biomedical knowledge from the laboratory to clinical trial and therapeutic products for improving health, this goal has not been well achieved as often as desired because of many barriers documented
Providing medical interpreter training scholarships to bilingual community members is one way to address the lack of available lesser-spoken language QMIs. While it is important to continue to increase the number of interpreters of lesser-spoken languages, there also needs to be a plan in place to...