Attempts to prevent device misconnections have included color-coding, labels, tags, and training. However, these methods alone have not effectively solved the problem, because they have not been consistently applied, nor do these methods physically prevent the misconnections. In order to reduce the...
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Given the exploratory nature of this study, the codebook was developed using a conventional content analysis approach, a common method of analysis when coding categories are derived directly from data.17 All members of the research team read the first 3 transcripts and identified concepts that ...
UMI unique molecular identifier, MID molecular identifiers, CID coordinate identity, mRNA messenger RNA, lncRNA long noncoding RNA, miRNA microRNA, snoRNA small nucleolar RNA, tRNA transfer RNA, ATP adenosine triphosphate, yPAP yeast poly(A) polymerase, xDBiT multiplexed deterministic barcoding in ti...
Schubert et al (2016) noted that defining reliable biomarkers is still a challenge in patients with urological tumors. Because short non-coding RNAs known as microRNAs (miRNAs) regulate diverse important cellular processes, these non-coding RNAs are putative molecular candidates. These researchers provi...
Because the extensive literature on feedback use can be integrated by a priori themes that guide the deductive analysis, we used template analysis in which hierarchical coding and development of successive coding templates is used (Brooks et al., 2015). Our a priori themes were based on EVT ...
Digital health interventions refer to the use of digital technology and connected devices to improve health outcomes and healthcare delivery. This includes
One limitation of the administrative data is the possibility of inaccurate coding; thus, these researchers carried out extensive sensitivity analyses using different OHIP codes and diagnosis codes. Second, all accuracy studies of PLA were performed in dermatology clinics. Due to a lack of data, ...
In the future, we will integrate more omics data to perform further analyses, such as DNA methylation, noncoding RNA regulation, and protein interactions. Conclusion In this study, we have proposed a new framework for identifying candidate tumor gene biomarkers based on single-cell gene expression...
Reduced cost of WES rather than WGS led to its applications in the clinical genetics. As WES focuses on only B1% of the genome and is limited to the coding and splice-site variants in annotated genes, it is suitable for gene discovery in highly penetrant Mendelian diseases. Also, exon ...