coder. In my courses you will know about anatomy, ICD Guidelines which are used in medical coding Job in order to code a medical report we need to follow guidelines which are provided by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS...
First, we conducted an open coding of all of the interview transcriptions line by line. In detail, single or few sentences were identified as a code, representing the most elemental unit of meaning [23]. Next, the codes were summarised into relevant themes for each participant, using the ...
Through coding, the researcher becomes familiar with the data and starts to organize the information [23]. 3. Meaning units and attached codes were then placed in categories according to the content; for example, using the- oretical knowledge. These analytical steps are illustrated in Additional ...
Two Nepal based studies on voluntary CS courses [39,56] show predominantly positive student attitudes, but with higher levels of negativity than seen in UK [57]. Both studies recommend strengthening CS teaching and expanding it into all Nepalese Medical schools. There are no published Nepal or S...
The advancements in technology have brought substantial changes in every sector, boosting the quality of their services, and providing ease to the customers. Similarly, the healthcare sector has been upgraded and aided significantly. The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) hub, for that matter, has...
Braun V, Clarke V. Successful qualitative research: a Guide for beginners. London: Sage Publications; 2013. p. 87–95. Google Scholar Wright S. Examining what residents look for in their role model. Acad Med. 1996;71(3):290–2.
courses. To improve the identified problems, following the second phase, social media platform X was used to supplement ESP face-to-face instruction. Three tasks were designed for the students to do on X. These tasks were implemented and assessed on 19 EFL first-year premedical undergraduate ...