An additional, possibly overlapping list can be found at : Multimodal databases Center for Invivo Microscopy (CIVM), Embrionic and Neonatal Mouse (H&E, MR) guide:
Code Folders and files Latest commit History109 Commits Repository files navigation README Medical Data for Machine Learning This is a curated list of medical data for machine learning. This list is provided for informational purposes only, please make sure you respect any and all usag...
Code string 状态码 200 Message string 详细信息 message 中英文字段映射 title 证照标题 licenseNumber 许可证编号 companyName 企业名称 businessType 经营方式 officeAddress 住所 businessScope 经营范围 businessAddress 经营场所 warehouseAddress 库房/仓库地址 issueDate 发证日期 issueAuthority 发证部门 legalRepresentat...
Code string 状态码 200 Message string 详细信息 message 中英文字段映射 registeredAddress 注册地址 issueDate 发证日期 licenseNumber 许可证编号 issueAuthority 发证部门 legalRepresentative 法定代表人 productionAddress 生产地址 responsiblePerson 企业负责人 companyName 企业名称 validToDate 有效期限 officeAddress 住...
EncounterParticipant The list of people responsible for providing the service. EncounterParticipantType The participant type indicates how an individual participates in an encounter. EncounterReason Reason the encounter takes place, expressed as a code. For ...
{"MedicalTranscriptionJob":{"CompletionTime":number, "ContentIdentificationType": "string", "CreationTime":number, "FailureReason": "string", "LanguageCode": "string", "Media":{"MediaFileUri": "string", "RedactedMediaFileUri": "string" }, "MediaFormat": "string", "MediaSampleRateHertz":...
In CPRD, dementia incidence was defined by the presence of either one or several dementia diagnosis codes (expertly curated list including: (a) a selected set of CPRD Medcodes: see Extended Data Table 12 for the detailed code list; (b) ICD 9/10 codes in linked HES or ONS databases: se...
The actual authors can be referred to, but the reference number(s) must always be given. List: Number the references (numbers in square brackets) in the list in the order in which they appear in the text. Examples: Reference to a journal publication: [1] Van der Geer J, Hanraads JAJ...
tablet, I had to forego a more thorough and more precise (larger number of replicates) examination of bias, variance and coverage. The focus is on general patterns rather than precise estimates; by making the code public, these can be obtained by anyone who has access to the R computing ...
Breadcrumbs medical-data / README.mdTop File metadata and controls Preview Code Blame 659 lines (402 loc) · 42.7 KB Raw Medical Data for Machine Learning This is a curated list of medical data for machine learning. This list is provided for informational purposes only, please make sure you...