but gradually the line of demarcation dissolved to the point that though they were different in name, in reality the two organizations developed into a single, well-knit, functional Headquarters
Data were first aggregated at a regional level, and thereaf- ter at the Tuberculosis Research Unit of the Carlos III In- stitute of Public Health, which acted as the Co-ordinating Centre (CC) and performed the necessary data-analysis. Several papers have been published based on the results ...
Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. Atlanta (GA) 2003 [http://www.cdc.gov/ncipc/pub-res/ipv_cost/ipv.htm]. 11. Ulrich YC, Cain KC, Sugg NK, Rivara FP, Rubanowice DM, Thompson RS: Medical care utilization patterns in women with diag- nosed domestic violence. Am J Prev Med ...
have argued that AI will enhance the role of physicians, augmenting their capabilities and increasing their availability to provide empathy and other uniquely human forms of care to their patients. Regardless of their viewpoint on the desirability of AI in medicine, researchers on both sides of the...
Centre for Human Genetics Research and Education, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, Tygerberg, Cape Town, South Africa Soraya Bardien Department of Medicine and Cardiology, Mafraq Hospital, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Miroslav Munclinger Corresponding author Correspondence to Bong...