that all communities should be empowered by their medicine. The annual event features national doctors and experts in the medical cannabis field. They will share researched-based education about a variety of cannabis topics that will benefit patients, health care practitioners and the community at ...
US (NM): Bill to mandate insurance coverage for MMJ passes US: New Jersey issues update on cannabis testing guidelines US (FL): First meeting held by new hemp panel US: Maine lawmakers seek tighter control of medical cannabis US (NE): Bills to regulate medical cannabis considered ...
Cannabis in cancer care. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2015;97(6):575-586.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 41. Walker JM, Strangman NM, Huang SM. Cannabinoids and pain. Pain Res Manag. 2001;6(2):74-79.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 42. Noyes R Jr, Brunk SF, Baram DA, Canter A. Analgesic ...
Under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), cannabis is classified as a Schedule 1 drug. This means that the federal government views cannabis as highly addictive and that it has no medical value. Doctors may not prescribe cannabis for medical use under federal law, although they can “recommend...
Bipolar disorder and cannabis use: A bidirectional two-sample Mendelian randomization study. Addict Biol. 2021;26:e13030. Article PubMed Google Scholar Huang P, Zou Y, Zhang X, Ye X, Wang Y, Yu R, et al. The causal effects of insomnia on bipolar disorder, depression, and schizophrenia:...
Rhode Island is relying on a lottery system to choose providers for its fledgling medical cannabis system and is expected to announce the winners sometime in 2021, the Boston Globe reports. Although Rhode Island is limiting the number of “care facilities” to only six across the entire state ...
19. Abrams DI, Guzman M, Cannabis in cancer care: Clin Pharmacol Ther, 2015; 97; 575-86 20. Hussain Khan Z, Poppy: The elegant flower or a lethal weapon of addiction: Acta Med Iran, 2015; 53; 594-95 21. Benítez G, Leonti M, Böck B, The rise and fall of mandrake in medic...
Estimating cannabis involvement in fatal crashes in Washington State before and after the legalization of recreational cannabis consumption using multiple imputation of missing values. Am J Epidemiol. 2021;190(12):2582–91. Article PubMed Google Scholar Torres JM, Rudolph KE, Sofrygin O, Wong R...
THANK YOU The 3rd Annual New Mexico Medical Cannabis Conference was a success thanks to all of our presenters and guests! You can help us improve this event by taking a few minutes to take our post-conference survey. Tap Here to Share Your Thoughts ...
Cannabis Sativa; hemp stalk thin film; drug delivery devices; solar cells; enhanced calcium deposition from polymer matrix1. Introduction The complex composite structure of hemp stalk makes it of interest for studies in order to develop new technologies of fabrication designed to enlarge the number ...