At Backoffice Solutions, we are dedicated to providing healthcare medical billing services that exceed client expectations. Our top priority is client satisfaction, and we strive to ensure that our clients receive the quickest turnaround time for our services, so they can focus on what matters most...
The Psych Billerhas years of experience billingfor medical professionals, mental health professionals, and small businesses. You can put this experience to work remotely for your practice and it will lower your cost in office rent, equipment and storage space. A good in-house biller is dependable...
I used their virtual care and spent 5 minutes with the nurse online. She said she couldn't help, doesn't know the diagnosis and asked us to go to the urgent care. Later, we received a bill for over $100 for the 5 minutes useless call. Complained to the billing department and they ...
Welcome to Russell Medical Exceptional healthcare awaits you at Russell Medical, located in Alexander City, Alabama close to the pristine waters of beautiful Lake Martin. Russell Medical is a progressive, not-for-profit, acute care facility serving the needs of east central Alabama since 1923. Our...
They spoiled my hair , promised me with a hair treat that makes your hair straight but didn’t happen like that then they promised to re do my hair which again they denied Priyanka PooniaonAug 10, 2023 Aastha Hospital Hisar Near sewak sabha Hospital Rishi Nagar Hisar 125001–poor orthodontic...
Everything and everyone was First Class. Kind and professional. Patient Submitted Review 2月-2024 Streamline…..precheckin so sign in then off to procedure within minutes. Friendly accommodating staff Patient Submitted Review 2月-2024 I had to have a CT scan. They were swamped that day but...
Some plans have a network outside the USA, where providers are contracted with the administrator to provide direct billing but there is no network negotiated fee arrangement. You are free to visit any provider; you may have to first pay, file a claim, and then receive reimbursement for elig...
and schedule them for surgery. You do the surgery. You manage their complications. You see them at their post-op visit. We also teach you about the intricacies of billing. There is an attending available for any issues, but this is your service.” He added, “This used to be commonplace...
"They'll not charge you if things are in order. However, in case of errors or questionable charges, there's a probability the billing advocate will charge you a third to a half of the amount they help you save. And the remember you're likely to save thousands of dollars." Mostly, ...
The services provided by a team consisting of a licensed PA, 1 RN, 2 estheticians, 2 medical assistants, 2 receptionists and a billing/insurance coordinator generate significant income. The owner works about 30 hours a week. Clinic has about 4,500 current patients, with 60% cash payments, ...