Medical assistance in dyingEuthanasiaPhysician assisted SuicideMental disordersMAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDERPSYCHIATRIC-PATIENTSREQUEST EUTHANASIASUICIDEBackgroundMedical assistance in dying (MAiD) sparks debate in several countries, some of which allow or plan to allow MAiD where a mental disorder is the sole ...
The link between palliative care and assisted dying where euthanasis is not permitted. In some countries there is no legal permission for euthanasia. However, it is still practiced under the pretext that the state does not have enough drugs for its working citizens who are able t...
wherein the patient is sedated to the point that the discomfort is relieved while the dying process takes place. We already have a legal solution to any uncomfortable deaths that does not endanger others the way an assisted suicide law does.” Legal hospice organizations already provide this end...
Suicide assisted suicide assisted dying euthanasia hospice palliative care Introduction Many areas around the world, including Belgium, Canada, The Netherlands, Switzerland, and Victoria, Australia, as well as several U.S. states, allow a physician, or in some areas a nurse practitioner, to prescrib...
Quebec is currently the only province in Canada, which has taken a decision on legalising euthanasia and physician assisted suicide. In Quebec, euthanasia and physician assisted suicide are labelled as medical aid in dying and perceived as part of healthcare. However, in Canada, at the federal ...
Lemmens, along with a host of other law professors across the country, issued an open letter early this year saying it is "reckless" to suggest that a constitutional right to assisted dying for such patients would be recognized by the courts. ...
Purposeful sampling was used to recruit participants with diverse personal views and experiences with assisted death. Conceptual saturation was achieved after interviewing 23 palliative care providers (13 physicians and 10 nurses) in Southern Ontario. Results: Themes identified included a new dying ...
Not all of the amendments approved last month by the senators were adopted, such as allowing advance requests for assisted death for people concerned about developing dementia, and to impose an 18-month time limit on the bill’s o...
Not all of the amendments approved last month by the senators were adopted, such as allowing advance requests for assisted death for people concerned about developing dementia, and to impose an 18-month time limit on the bill’s origina...
Junior doctors and conscientious objection to voluntary assisted dying: Ethical complexity in practice In jurisdictions where voluntary assisted dying (VAD) is legal, eligibility assessments, prescription and administration of a VAD substance are commonly pe... RJ Mcdougall,BP White,D Ko,... - 《...