Definitions of the top 150 prescription abbreviations, including bid, qhs, po, ad, hs, and tid. Your essential guide to medical terminology.
Acronyms & Abbreviations A-Z Chapter 1: Initial Approach to the Patient: History and Physical Examination Chapter 2: Examination of Blood and Marrow Cells Chapter 3: Consultative Hematology Chapter 4: Structure of the Marrow and the Hematopoietic Microenvironment Chapter 5: The Organization and Structu...
Abbreviations BMI: Body mass index VCI: Vital capacity index BP: Blood pressure SBP: Systolic blood pressure DBP: Diastolic blood pressure NCDs: Noncommunicable diseases COPD: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease IR: Insulin resistance ...
Abbreviations COVID-19: Coronavirus disease-2019 SARS-CoV-2: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 WHO: World Health Organization FWP: First wave of the pandemic SWP: Second wave of the pandemic PBP: Period before the pandemic PA: Planned admissions AA: Acute admissions UA:...
Additionally, healthcare staff should avoid common errors in written communication, such as using nonstandard abbreviations, illegible handwriting, failure to question inappropriately written orders, and failure to complete correct specimen labeling. Therefore, staff should be encouraged to ask questions when...
Abbreviations TBI: Traumatic brain injury PTSD: Post-traumatic stress disorder GEO: Gene expression omnibus DEGs: Differentially expressed genes PPI: Protein–protein interaction CC: Cellular component BP: Biological process MF: Molecular function ...
Abbreviations EMK: Ethnomedicinal knowledge MPs: Medicinal plant species FDA: Food and drug administration KP: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa CPEC: China–Pakistan economic corridor RFC: Relative frequency citation ICF: Informant consent factor FL: Fidelity level WMPs: Wild medicinal plant species ...
Abbreviations AIDS: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ARESA: Advancing Research Ethics Training in Southern Africa BSU: Bishop Stuart University COHRED: Council on Health Research for Development CWRU: Case Western Reserve University FABTP: Fogarty African Bioethics Training Program FIC: Fogarty ...
Previous studies have shown that while technical terminology, abbreviations, and acronyms are the most commonly used forms of jargon, several other types of jargon are also used frequently.1,2 These include terms that have a well-understood meaning in common usage but often have a different meanin...
Abbreviations such as mg. or mL. with a period following the abbreviation mgmL The period is unnecessary and could be mistaken as the number 1 if written poorly Use mg, mL, etc. without a terminal period Drug name and dose run together (especially problematic for drug names that end in ...