Bibliographic information Citing and recommended articles Recommended articles No articles found. Cited by () This article has not been cited. Related reference work articles No articles found. Applications and tools Workspace No content has been selected.doi...
Caon, M., Abbreviations, initialism and acronyms: their use in medical physics (THUMP). Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 2016. 39(1): p. 11-12.Caon M (2016) Abbreviations, initialism and acronyms: their use in medical physics (THUMP). Australas Phys Eng Sci Med ...
W - Medical abbreviations Wt: Weight. Body weight is often recorded as part of the physical examination. X - Medical abbreviations XRT: Radiotherapy (external). A type of treatment that uses radiation. References Top Common Medical Abbreviations and Terms Related Articles Blood Clots (in the Leg...
Recognition, disambiguation, and expansion of abbreviations relies onsense inventories, defined as databases of abbreviations and their meanings orsenses. Large sense inventories can be publicly obtained online (e.g., Unified Medical Language System [UMLS], but they can be...
《医学英语》课件:Common Medical Abbreviations.ppt,Antimuscarinic Anticholinergic * Sir run run shaw hospital Common Medical Abbreviations Angela Lai, ms4 Michigan state university College of human medicine Example 67 y/o male c/o CP and SOB x 2 h. Pain
Other Nursing Abbreviations Similar To T.I.D Now there are a lot of medical terms that get thrown around, and it can be difficult to keep track of them. If you’re having trouble keeping everything straight, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Here are some other nursing abbreviations that...
Abbreviations IMG: International Medical Graduate CT: Core Training NCIA: National Clinical Impact Awards CEA: Clinical Excellence Awards DA: Distinction Awards References Bloor K, Maynard A. Reform of the clinical excellence awards scheme: why are we waiting? J R Soc Med. 2012;105(9):...
built a dictionary for diseases, symptoms, treatments, medications, and their synonyms [26]. Solt et al. also developed a regular expression driven string replacement dictionary for all occurrences of relevant abbreviations, synonyms, plain English equivalents, spelling variants, frequent typos, suffix...
List of Abbreviations of Cations and Anions Constituents of Ionic Liquids - Ionic Liquids in Separation Technology Other minor but potentially important sphingolipids are free long-chain bases and their phosphorylated derivates. By using a single solvent system with ... JE Markham,JG Jaworski - 《...
Abbreviations GDP: Gross domestic product BEA: The Bureau of Economic Analysis EU: European Union RPPs: Regional price parities PPPs: Purchasing power parities ICP: International Comparison Program CPD: Country Product Dummy GEKS: Gini-Éltetö-Köves-Szulc MST: Minimum spanning tree...